If you are single, aged 18 or over and fancy being considered for the show, please fill in the following information, and a member of the team may be in touch. Please note, unfortunately it may not be possible for us to get back to everyone who applies.
Please be aware the information you supply here may be used in the show – e.g. “’X’, who rated themselves a 10/10 for looks is off for their date!”. We appreciate some of these questions are personal. You do not have to answer any or all of the questions if you don’t want to - but please answer in as much detail as possible where you feel comfortable doing so.
Good luck!
If you do not consent to or cannot comply with any of the above criteria, please do not submit this form. By submitting your application, you confirm that you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
We will process your personal data by necessity in accordance with our Privacy Notice which is available here.
Please now register and then complete the rest of the form, answering all questions with as much detail as possible. The form will save every time you hit the ‘Next’ button and you can log out and log back in to complete your form should you need to do so.